It simply read, "pray 4 rain."

Instead of praying for rain, I asked sweet hubby to pull over so we could take a picture of the clever sign.

Unfortunately, it isn't always my instinct to pray about everything first -- unless it is for those I love. Whenever they may be hurting or struggling, I'll pray for their needs in earnest. I ask for His blessings on them, always.
The 'ol knee mail definitely has room for improvement, especially when it comes to praying about my own needs. Lately, it's been like quick, impersonal text messages to God. Just a 'please show me Your will for my life' or 'what path should I take?' Candidly, I'm not sure why I'm so detached. Is it busyness, tiredness or have I become too self-sufficient?
I need to draw nearer to Him... right now.

Instead of talking about my problems,
I honestly do believe it's better to
speak to my problems.
Even in those uncomfortable
seasons of life,
when it feels dustbowl dry
due to a lack of progress.
Like now. Circumstances.
Discouragement. Frustration.
I honestly do believe it's better to
speak to my problems.
Even in those uncomfortable
seasons of life,
when it feels dustbowl dry
due to a lack of progress.
Like now. Circumstances.
Discouragement. Frustration.

Sweet rain fell softly over the marshes and cornfields. So beautiful to watch.
Everything became green and lush. The wooded trail
was so quiet,
so hushed.
It was hard to leave.

allow you to see the weather rolling in from miles away.
It's powerful and impressive to behold.
Well, if you can actually see outside, that is.
Oh how the flooding rain fell!
Half expected to see animals heading out of the woods,
walking two by two.
In a flash, we were engulfed by windswept downpours.
Maddie paced along the backseat,
panicked by lightning and thunder.
It was a little scary at times.

sweet hubby sought our safest route out of the storm.
Blue skies soon returned.
how quickly things
can change.
From a drought to a flood,
from storm to sunshine.
All are someone's
answered prayer.

I prayerfully share
all of my heart with Him.
Praying for the rain
that I so desperately need.
Asking and receiving it
by faith.
Hopefully, in the form of work
for these eager hands.
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