Saturday, February 2, 2013

Odd Duck Confessions

Life sure can be a funny thing.  Plans may change in the blink of an eye.  We might even believe we're taking the right path and then suddenly, bang!  It veers off toward an unforeseen direction.  Is it (yet) another new mountain to climb?  Is it just a plateau?  Perhaps, it's a wide river to cross.

Regardless of the terrain, we're called forth... to grow.  And it isn't easy.

For those who may not know, I've recently embarked on a new career path as a Realtor with a wonderful firm in Williamsburg (see:  Yepper, I'm now specializing in fine homes and waterfront properties, with a goal of earning my broker's license.  Immersed in plenty of coursework and research, I'm learning volumes daily.  (Oh, how I'm learning!)

Though I've enjoyed three decades of helping people thrive -- even amid their business upheavals and massive technological changes -- this new role is so much tougher.  I used to be a 'people person' working within the highly analytical crossroads of academia and IT.  Now I feel incredibly awkward and geeky, as I clumsily step into the unknown.  I long to be more approachable and playful, like breezy Chateau Relaxo weekends by the river.  All while working inland, wearing business suits and 'senator shoes' instead of my beloved Topsiders.

Maybe that's the secret to bringing about a warm, hospitable approach.  Perhaps I should begin to visualize that I've invited my clients to spend a casual day by the river with me.  To unwind and simply enjoy themselves.  I'd listen and take good care of them.  Comfortably get to know one other, collaborate, build trust and find that just-right place that will be their happy home.

More than communication, to seek real connection.
It just may work.  

Anything, to help this odd duck learn to confidently swim... and purposefully serve people again.

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